John Henry Blair biography

JOHN HENRY BLAIR, Superintendent of Education, was born on January 17, 1875, at Blairtown [Alabama], the son of Rev. Thomas Blair and Nannie (Newberry) Blair.

He attended Howard College, the University of Alabama, Troy State Normal School, and began teaching school at an early age. In 1906 he served as principal of the Cedar Bluff School.

He was a faithful member of the Centre Baptist Church. He died on July 23, 1950.

In September, 1905, he married Jennie Johnson, daughter of A. S. and Theodocia (Chancellor) Johnson, who was county treasurer at that time. They had three girls: Annie Laurie Hughes, of Montgomery; Allison Rains, of Gadsden; and Martha Holleman, of Montgomery.

Source: Mrs. Frank Ross Stewart, Cherokee County [Alabama] History, 1836—1956, Volume 2 (Centre, Ala.: 1959), p. 355. Reprinted with permission.

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